South-east Asia / EN

Robe chosen for Sutluce Cultural & Congress Centre

Products Involved

ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 1200E AT™ColorSpot 1200E AT™
ColorSpot 575E AT™
ColorSpot 575E AT™ColorSpot 575E AT™
ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™
ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™
REDBlinder 2•96™
REDBlinder 2•96™REDBlinder 2•96™
REDWash 3•192™
REDWash 3•192™REDWash 3•192™

Robe moving lights have been installed into the new Sutluce Cultural & Congress Centre (SCCC) in Istanbul, Turkey.

This is a prestigious 73,000 square metre multiple venue development instigated by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The building is an historic converted slaughterhouse on the Golden Horn, re-born and designed as a cutting-edge performing arts and conference centre. It will serve Istanbulites with live entertainment, movies and drama theatres and be a centre for high profile international events of all types.

The Robe fixtures are installed into SCCC's two main performance spaces and were specified and supplied by Robe's Turkish distributor Atempo, acting as systems integrators for principal construction company, Yeni Yapi Ltd. Co.

"With our vast sales experience," says Atempo's Istanbul Region Director Volkan Konuralp, "Yeni Yapi trusted us to specify the best quality and best value product for the application - and that was Robe".

The Robes were needed to provide dynamic and versatile lighting for the larger auditoriums in the complex - and were supplied by Atempo along with a large generics package.

The 3000 capacity Main Hall features 20 Robe ColorSpot 1200E ATs, 6 REDWash 3●192s and 4 REDBlinder 2●96s. These are all positioned on the over-stage bars, and can be moved anywhere they are needed to serve the exact needs of the show.

Into the 1000 capacity Theatre, Atempo specified 6 ColorWash 575E ATs and 6 ColorSpot 575E ATs. "These are a really perfect compact and very bright lightsource - with lots of features - for medium sized stages like this," says Konuralp.

SCCC has already staged many events that have utilised both venues, including the 5th World Water Forum which featured 33,058 participants and was the world’s biggest ever water-related event to date. "When we specified the lighting for these two spaces, we ensured they had many options - whether the need is to light a single speaker, or a whole performing troupe which need the stage filled with colour and movement," continues Konuralp.

Atempo has been specifying and distributing Robe products since the brand was launched in its own right in 2002. "In our long experience and association with Robe it’s proven very reliable, and we also like Robe's continual ongoing investment into developing new technologies". Atempo has been specifying and distributing Robe products since the brand was launched in its own right in 2002. "In our long experience and association with Robe it’s proven very reliable, and we also like Robe's continual ongoing investment into developing new technologies".

For SCCC, they also undertook extensive on-site demos to show the client first-hand the real capabilities of the products. A Robe Roadshow in 2008, staged in conjunction with ETC, also proved a massive success in pushing the brand awareness to the fore in Turkey.

With Robe's Digital series coming into production at the end of 2008, this meant they could specify the REDWash 3●192, which is "Really ideal for this project with its low power consumption and near infinite colour range," affirms Konuralp. He adds that Robe gobos and effects are "universally popular" in Turkey, so they were very confident that Robe would deliver all the requirements for a high profile installation like Sutluce.

The project was managed for Atempo by Murat Koysuren. He comments, "We offered the best quality brands and products at the right price. The Municipality officials are pleased with the overall systems, and the Robe fixtures add great depth and many creative possibilities to all the shows staged there".

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