South-east Asia / EN

Robe Rocks The Daisies in SA!

Products Involved

ColorSpot 700E AT™
ColorSpot 700E AT™ColorSpot 700E AT™
LEDBeam 100™
LEDBeam 100™LEDBeam 100™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Cape Town South Africa based Kilowatt AV – known for their innovative and imaginative visual designs and roots buried deep in EDM and dance music culture – created a groove-tastic environment for the Electronic Dome stage at the 2014 Rocking The Daisies Festival.

It was the fourth year that Kilowatt has been involved with the popular annual event - staged at Cloof Wine Estate in Darling near Cape Town - explains their Project Manager Neil Zaayman, and over 100 Robe moving lights were an integral part of the design.

The Electronic Dome stage – complete with high energy DJ line up, including Rudimental (DJ set), The Presets, Mikey Dredd, B_Type, Das Kapital and many more – ran for two out of the festival’s three days in a 4000 capacity dome structure supplied by SSD.

The venue’s production design architecture started with an impressive 118 panel LED wall and was a collaboration between Neil and Kilowatt’s Matthew Meyer.

To complement the LED elements, they needed a selection of powerful high brightness lighting fixtures, and so chose 12 x Pointes, 18 x LEDWash 600s, 36 x LEDBeam 100s – all from Robe’s ROBIN range – together with 12 Robe ColorSpot 700E ATs and 18 x Robe LEDForce 18 LED PARs.

Robes feature regularly in Kilowatt’s designs, which also encompass a wide range of high profile corporate / industrial events, brand activations and experientials … alongside the ongoing EDM projects which still get the whole company excited and energised.

For ‘Rocking The Daisies’, Robe’s little LEDBeam 100s made a real impact dotted in-between the ColorSpot 700s on audience trusses running down the length of the Dome.

The LEDForce 18s were vibrant truss toners and set illuminators, and also used as effects lights, tucked in behind the set blasting through to the enthusiastic audience.

The LEDWash 600s were also rigged on the audience trusses and in the gaps in the LED wall for washing the stage area.

The Pointes were on the onstage edge of a striking V-shaped truss flown above the front of the stage, where they could either light the stage or shoot down the room for additional dynamics. “Their speed continues to impress us,” states Neil. “They are simply sooooo versatile – I can use them in any environment and for any event!”

On the LEDBeam 100s and LEDWash 600s he says, “They are fundamental to most of our designs – they’re spec’d on all my shows”.

The ‘house’ lighting was programmed and run on a grandMA2 console operated by Matthew and regular Kilowatt freelancer, Jonathan Bandli. A Hog 4 was made available to the Presets’ LD for their set.

Once again Rocking The Daisies was a resounding success and is one of a full-tilt music festival season that’s just kicking in for another fantastic summer in South Africa!

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