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Elite MegaPointe Investment

Products Involved


Canberra-based Elite Event Technology – one of Australia’s leading rental and production companies – has made a new investment in 16 x Robe MegaPointe moving lights for general stock, which join the sixteen that they already owned, purchased when the product was launched in 2018.

“MegaPointe is a go-to lighting fixture for so many entertainment and corporate event scenarios,” commented EET’s Darren Russell. “It is highly versatile, so we knew it was a solid investment with a good ROI, and that the kit will be busy all the time,” he stated, adding “it’s a great all-purpose fixture with an amazing output for the size and weight!”

EET has several other Robe products in its rental inventory, including Spiiders, Pointes, BMFL Spots and BMFL WashBeams, Spikies, LEDBeam 100s, LEDWash 600s and LEDWash 300+s, MiniMe’s, MMX Spots, DLX Spots and 600E Spots. Darren was an early adopter and started purchasing Robe products around 15 years ago when the brand was still emerging.

Since then, Robe has become a market leader and all these products have proved to be reliable workhorses.

MegaPointe is one of Robe’s all-time best selling moving lights. Apart from being was one of the first truly multi-purpose moving lights, it came to redefine the concept of the all-in-one fixture!

With super-bright and sharp parallel beams, excellent gobo projection, precise movement, smooth CMY colour mixing and dimming plus a multitude of beam splitting, wash and shaping effects, the cutting-edge optical system design provides a crystal clear, razor-edged beam, which is adjustable via the zoom, from a tight 1.8-degree beam to a wide 42-degree wash.

Static and rotating (glass) gobos produce precision in-air effects as well as outstanding projected images with a high-contrast flat field. The MegaPointe’s effects engine has several beam and ‘flower’ effects, and the beam can also be shaped using innovative shutter emulation ... unleashing a whole new blend of content and creativity.

EET’s new MegaPointes immediately went out on several music events including the 2022 SummerSalt Festival at Stage 88 in Commonwealth Park, Canberra where they were used by multiple lighting designers including Kait Hall and Steve Granville.

They were also in action on the Red Hot Summer tour which played the same venue as part of the Unfinished Business tour, complete with an impressive line-up of Australian artists plus multiple LDs, like the semi-legendary Jeff Pavey!

The entire lighting rig – apart from blinders – was Robe for both these events, underlining Darren and Elite Event Technology’s commitment to the best production values and the brand that they have been supporting since near the beginning of its journey!

Photo Credit: Darren Russell

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