South-east Asia / EN

Robe for Handelsbeurs, Ghent

Products Involved

ROBIN® 600E Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Spot™ROBIN® 600E Spot™
ROBIN® 600E Wash
ROBIN® 600E WashROBIN® 600E Wash

Handelsbeurs Concertzaal is one of the main live arts venues in the Belgian cultural hub of Ghent, staging a lively mix of international performance - music, comedy, theatre, poetry, etc. to which Robe's Benelux distributor Controllux has just supplied ROBIN 600E Series Wash and Spot moving lights.

Handelsbeurs’ Technical Manager Diether Van Vooren and General Manager Wim Vaes chose the Robe ROBIN 600s after a demo by Bram de Clerck from Controllux's Belgium office.

The fixtures were supplied via the locally based rental company City Sounds Rent, headed by Jan Josephy, who are very active in the area and also a big user of Robe products, with their own rental stock including Robe’s 700 series Wash and Spot fixtures.

Handelsbeurs was the second venue that has recently installed Robe moving lights on the recommendation of City Sounds Rent. The first is the Bijloke Music Centre - a highly acclaimed centre staging classical, jazz, world music and other concerts – also in Ghent.

Diether and Wim made the decision to purchase the moving lights as they were so frequently renting in fixtures - usually from City Sounds Rent – that it made sense to make the investment and own the kit.

The things they like about the ROBIN 600 series are brightness, light weight, compact size, features and functionality. They knew from their own hands-on experience that Robe is a quality and well-engineered brand which is extremely reliable, offering all the flexibility needed for the immediate creative requirements of the busy main stage space which operates most days of the week.

As well as lighting many shows themselves, the Handelsbeurs technical team has to accommodate visiting lighting designers and directors. This was another reason they wanted quality equipment.

Controllux’s renowned service and back-up was also an important factor in their decision to go with Robe.

The 14 new moving lights - eight ROBIN 600E washes and six ROBIN 600E Spots - are controlled along with a selection of conventionals - by a Chamsys MagicQ console.

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