South-east Asia / EN

Robe and LPL Help Rock 2014 Festa do Peão de Barreto

Products Involved

ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorSpot 2500E AT™ColorSpot 2500E AT™
ColorWash 2500E AT™
ColorWash 2500E AT™ColorWash 2500E AT™
LEDWash 600™
LEDWash 600™LEDWash 600™

Sao Paulo based LPL, among Brazil’s largest and busiest technical solutions and rental companies, supplied over 170 Robe moving lights to the two main entertainment stages at the 2014 Festa do Peão (Festival of Cowboys) de Barreto in Sao Paulo, Brazil’s biggest country music festival.

The festival, organised by Os Independentes, takes place over 10 days and draws massive audiences. This year, LPL delivered the full technical package for the event’s two action-packed live performance stages, with lighting designed by their own Bruno Lima.

The glittering line up of musical stars included Bruno e Marrone, Victor e Leo, Cristiano Araujo, Chitaozinho e Chororo and many others.

Lima met with the organisers as soon as LPL was confirmed for the project and discussed the various rider and technical requirements of each band, together with the need to have a large LED screen onstage at the back, with additional strips of ‘scenic’ LED in the stage wings.

There were also IMAG LED screens left and right  of the stage and one in the centre of the front-of-stage border to ensure that everyone in the massive Main Stage arena had a good view of the performances. Additional scenic strips of LED ran all the way across the front-of-stage border and the PA wings, tying all the visual elements together.

Once the LED was finalised, he created the production lighting design.

With that much LED onstage, he needed a lot of high brightness fixtures which is why he chose Robe, and set to work to create a dynamic and flexible show space which would offer multiple options for all artists – many of whom brought their own LDs.

The Robe fixtures were all used on the main stage and picked for their intensity, many creative features and ability to make a big impact in the space.

The count included 54 x Pointes and 48 x LEDWash 600s from Robe’s ROBIN series, together with 36 x ColorSpot 2500E ATs and another 36 x ColorWash 2500E ATs.

These plus other lights were positioned in the roof above the stage – for which a brand new roof / stage structure was designed and built by LPL - and all around the stage and PA wings, some on the floor and some hung directly on the stage structure.

Lima describes the Robes as “Excellent, very powerful, highly reliable and beautifully bright” – all the attributes needed to make a prestigious festival with multiple artists like this … really rock.

The visiting LDs were also pleased to see Robes on the rig, and Robe continues to be one of the most popular moving light brands in Brazil, with LPL having one of the largest stocks, currently at around 300 luminaires … and growing!

Lima worked alongside an A-team LPL crew including 16 lighting technicians plus LPL Project Manager Victor Auricchio and Crew Chief Hercules Gonclaves.“We were all extremely proud to help deliver technical production for the live stages of Brazil’s biggest country festival,” he concluded.

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