South-east Asia / EN

IVAS Group Invests in Robe

The IVAS Group, a prominent technical production rental company based in Zagreb, Croatia, has made its most recent purchase of Robe moving lights with an order for 28 x MegaPointes, 20 x Spiider LED wash beams and 3 CycFx 8s, which has been delivered by Robe’s Croatian distributor, LAV Studio.

Ivas Group has been using Robe fixtures for many years, starting around 16 years ago with the 575 Spot / Wash XT series, followed by the original workhorse ColorSpot / Wash 1200E AT series. More recently it has been a steady flow of the latest technologies – LEDWash 600s, CycFx8s, Pointes, LEDBeam 100s and BMFLs.

In total they now have around 200 Robe lights in their rental inventory which is constantly servicing a busy work schedule focused on TV shows, corporate events and concert productions.

With such a long and successful history with Robe, which also has a good presence in the central and eastern European region, it was “logical” to continue with this investment path explained the company’s owner and founder Lovro Ivas, who highlights that in addition to their own projects, Robe kit is easy to cross rent, which is always a positive consideration for the accounting department! 

“Apart from this, Robe has been appearing on production riders regularly for some years with fixtures like LEDWash 600, BMFL, MegaPointe and others now considered an ‘industry standard’ and therefore a sound investment.”

“Robe’s reliability has proved excellent over the years and we are happy with the local support and service - although being tough and well-built, the fixtures don’t need so much maintenance!”

They like the MegaPointes for the brightness and versatility, commenting again on its prevalence on local and international riders. When it comes to Spiiders, everyone loves the small footprint, light weight and features like the brightness and excellent zoom.

CycFX 8s – tilting, zooming LED battens – they have also found are popular for numerous scenarios – as effects lights, up-lighters, set practicals or the more ‘traditional’ cyc / backdrop illumination that spawned the name!

The new Ivas group MegaPointes went straight out on the final of the Balkans version of MasterChef, recorded in BTV studios, Sofia, Bulgaria. The series’ lighting was designed by Israeli-based TV specialist Dakar Azulay who also spec’d LEDWash 600s and Spiiders for the show.

The lighting was programmed by Alen Đirlić who commented: “In the studio the amount of haze is limited due to contrast issues with the cameras, but the MegaPointes performed brilliantly and gave us all the solid aerial effects that Dakar was looking for. It was an excellent project due to the great production crew, an LD who works fast and knows exactly what he wants and a range of very flexible fixtures so I could get the exact results quickly and smoothly”.

Broadcasters BTV were also delighted and the show drew excellent ratings.

Dakar – who has just finished the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv together with co-LD Ronen Najar – likes the colour saturation of the Spiiders for broadcast and has specified Robe products on many of his high-profile shows.


About the Ivas group

The Ivas Group was founded by Lovro in 2000 to focus on providing premium quality technical production equipment and crews. It started small and has grown organically throughout the years to become one of the key rental companies in Croatia and the Balkans.

Their HQ and main offices are in the vibrant capital of Zagreb with an extensive warehouse facility some 50 kilometres away, which has been newly remodelled to provide 1600 square metres of space, allowing plenty of contingency for future expansion.

There are now 30 full-time staff dedicated to providing the best lighting, video and audio services and solutions together with trussing, rigging and staging.

Ivas Group works mainly in eastern Europe with a diverse roster of both local and international clients, and this year will make more major investments in equipment to ensure they stay ahead of the game.

Lovro has kept a close watch on how Robe has also grown over the years and ‘Robe’ launched as an own brand in 2002, just after he had started the company.

“It’s been great to see them grow from being the ‘new kids of the block’ to a major global market leader in the highly competitive sphere of moving light technology” he concludes.


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