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Italian Flair for Robe MMXs at Meraviglioso Modugno Show

Products Involved

ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™
ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™ColorWash 575 AT Zoom™
LEDWash 300™
LEDWash 300™LEDWash 300™
MMX Spot™
MMX Spot™MMX Spot™

Robe ROBIN MMX Spots, LEDWash 300s and ColorWash 575 AT Zooms were the core lighting elements for LD Paolo Firulli's eye-catching design for the recent "Meraviglioso Modugno", a tribute show to Domenico Modugno, one of Italy's best known actors and singer/songwriters from the 1950s.

The show was staged in the state-of-the-art new Teatro Petruzzelli in Bari, the largest theatre in the city and the fourth largest in Italy, well known for its stunning interiors and colourful history! It starred 13 different contemporary artists all of whom performed one of Modugno's most popular songs.

The main lighting challenge was to give each one of them a totally unique look and feel for their performance for which was able to take advantage of the massive flexibility and scope brought to the occasion by using Robe fixtures.

There were 20 each of Robe’s new MMX Spots and LEDWash 300s, plus 20 ColorWash 575 AT Zooms, all supplied by Conversano (BA) based rental company International Sound (http://www.international-sound.it/), the largest such operation in southern Italy, and is owned by the Firulli brothers  - Franco, Paolo and Gianni.

The fixtures were positioned on three over stage trusses, together with some conventionals. The LEDWashes were used to illuminate an upstage backdrop, and the MMXs and ColorWash Zooms did all the main beam-work and fabulous effects.

International Sound has been using Robe products for the last five years - for both theatrical productions and live shows and concerts. Their opinion about the Robe brand is that it is highly reliable, and they also like the brightness, availability and fantastic support and backup from Robe's Italian distributor, Robe Multimedia.

Over the last year, Robe Multimedia has enjoyed huge success with Robe’s LEDWash and MMX products in particular, and International Sound  were among the first rental companies in the country to take delivery of the MMX.

Paolo Firulli is well impressed with this unit - Robe's next generation of 1200 series fixtures - smaller, brighter, lighter - and offering a wide range of sophisticated creative features.

He especially likes the vivid colours and dual graphics wheel of the MMX which is excellent for fine quality projections. The near silent movement of the lights Is particularly important for theatre shows, and this was also the first time he had used them in a theatre venue.

Commenting on the LEDWash 300s, Firulli likes the brightness, the 15 - 60 degree zoom and the smooth homogenised light source which has always been a feature and a strong point of Robe’s LED ranges.

At the Meraviglioso Modugno show, he had no problem in creating enough different and dynamic individual looks for the artists, also dealing with a wide selection of ambiences to suit the different styles of music, another parameter needing careful consideration!

The MMXs were used to create amazing eye-candy on the backdrop, sumptuous static looks as well as for key lighting artists, proving themselves multi-purpose in every sense of the word!

Firulli programmed and ran the show using a Jands Vista T4 console.

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