South-east Asia / EN

MSL™ - Multi Spectral Light Source

Robe's MSL™ (Multi-Spectral Light) LED light engines are, specifically, designed to consistently deliver the highest quality light through the additive colour mixing method. The MSL spreads the emitted light equally throughout the Planck curve, thereby providing the widest possible colour gamut, while simultaneously delivering seamless full range CCT control. 

Robe's MSL™ engines will always output whites and colours exactly matching the factory calibration temperatures. This is ensured by their innovative RCC™ (Robe Colour Calibration) system, which provides an automatic or on-call self-re-calibration of the multi spectral LED engine. The process is conducted internally by the fixture without the use of an external tool or equipment, allowing for full colour calibration on site and results in output consistency across your inventory!

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